Here are some ways you can get involved at Glen Dale UMC!

Compassion Fund: On the first Sunday of the month we collect donations for helping with food, rent, and utilities for local residents. It is also is used to help with individuals passing through trying to get home (meal, gasoline, or overnight lodging).

Glen Dale Elementary Backpacks: Every week we pack and delivery 17 bags with food for students over the weekend at the local elementary school. If you are interested in helping you can always stop by to pack on Fridays at 11AM or contact the Church to see what food supplies are needed. Monetary donations are always appreciated as well.

Choir: We have a wonderful choir of music lovers that enjoy sharing praise for God in song. They sing throughout the year, pray for each other, hold gatherings, and practice weekly on Wednesday nights at 630PM. Do you love music too or just want to find a place to make a joyful noise, come and join us!

Men’s Prayer Breakfast: A group of men from various faith backgrounds gathering together to pray, grow, and have fellowship. We hope you come out and join us. Please Contact Dave Robbins at 304-639-6415 to find out when and where we are meeting each month.

Social Hour: On the second and fourth Sunday’s each month the Church gathers together after worship for a time of fellowship and snacks. We hope you stay after service and join us for the time together where we visit and grow in friendship with each other.

Community Ladies Bible Study: A group of women from around the local community made of several denominations that gathers to grow in their faith through study, conversation, and prayer. Bring your questions, bring your stories, bring your prayers and lets all grow by sharing the time together.